Want to join Opus?
The Opus Handbell Ensemble conducts auditions for new ringers. If you are an intermediate to advanced ringer seeking an exciting challenge in handbell ringing, please contact Lisa Traughber for more information and to set up an audition. Below is some specific information about our audition process.
The audition is in two parts: Part One (conducted by the director and the board) is a personal audition in which we check the ringers musical and technical ringing abilities and discuss our rehearsal and performance schedule and goals. Part Two is an audition rehearsal in which each new ringer has a chance to ring with the rest of the ensemble.
Part One: The Personal Audition is set up by appointment. Each ringer is asked to demonstrate sight reading ability, knowledge of handbell effects, and an ability to perform certain bell techniques (weaving, four in hand (optional), etc). The interview part of the audition is to "get to know" the ringer and the ringer's interests and abilities. We feel that a positive attitude as well as open communication are essential to the progress of this ensemble. We will also spend time discussing our performance and rehearsal calendars and our ensemble's goals. Good attendance is a very high priority! All the components of this part of the audition are explained in an Audition Packet.
Part Two: The Ensemble Audition is just what it sounds like: a chance for us to hear you ring with the ensemble. This ensemble audition will focus on the ringers ability to adapt to the many "dynamics" (pun intended) which are part of actually ringing with an ensemble. The ability to match dynamics and tempo, to ring with good phrasing, and musicianship are just some of the important aspects of this audition.